Something a little different here…

As you probably know, I have made it a tradition to write my daily plays every day in October. And there’s a lot to be said about tradition, this particular one got me two full books worth of material. But I also believe that tradition shouldn’t become dogma, so I wanted to mix things up a little bit.

There are other months of 31 days, with other things going on to write about, so why should I stick so obsessively to October? No reason I can think of. Therefore I am pleased to announce that my next set of daily plays will be written this coming January, and that I will be sharing each day’s play will be published on this blog for one month. 
As always, I have no more idea of what the coming weeks than you do, but it’s always an adventure and I hope you will enjoy the ride.

Posted on 31 December, 2016, in Posts. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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